Today has been a difficult day... and for the life of me - I hadn't been able to figure out why... until I looked at the date and realized it was four months ago today that I received the text...
So, here I sit... the last of our 2023 apples bubbling on the stove and I've decided to write. My Father, Pops as I called him, was such an amazing man. He was such a story teller. I wish I had written down half of them. He was raised by his Grandmother, Addie, to ensure he wouldn't be turned into a farm hand by his new step-dad. He did his time in the US Army like so many of his generation and served during the Korean War. He returned home, barely spoke of the atrocities he saw and went on a blind date with the girl who would end up being my mother. They were married 65 years... He spent his life working in agriculture... as a farmer and fertilizer dealer. Funny that he would raise a daughter who wanted to grow organically - huh? I had such an interesting relationship with my father. We were always butting heads. I remember an argument at the age of 16 that resulted in my yelling "Will you shut up and listen to me for once?"... which didn't result in my being in trouble but Pops asking me what I needed to say. For some reason I still think that might have been a defining moment in my relationship with him. After that shouting match I found myself seeking his advice more and paying closer attention to what he did. He taught me so much.... and the most important thing was never settling for second best. He allowed me to grow up on my terms; which often times created many sleepless nights for him. He also told me if I had been born first - I would have been an only child. Ha! At 18 I was off to see the world and never looked back.... I went to school... worked my way up the corporate ladder and continued to seek his advice every chance I had. So many times on visits back home, he and I would do the most ridiculous things that would drive my Mom nuts. Let's just say one of those things involved Santa peeing off the stoop and another involved the word flower replacing the word flour on a grocery list.... On a Sunday in September of 2016 - I called Pops.... this was after I had already purchased my house in Athens and had planned on staying in Michigan until my house there sold. I told him I thought tomorrow would be my last day at my employer... and we talked about why. He told me he was glad. He reminded me I deserved better. :-) So... that began my journey back to Illinois. I wanted to be a part of my parents lives for however long they had left. I made the choice to step away from the crazy and help them out whenever I could. Stepping away gave me the freedom to do that. So... I had 5 years with Mom. She passed away Aug 5th, 2021. From that point forward I was focused on making sure Pops was taken care of. In reality - that focus meant I never really grieved the loss of my Mom... I saw him almost daily. Before getting on with my day I would pop in to make sure he had what he needed for the day. I was involved with his health care and often was disappointed with the level of care (or lack thereof) that his generation received from the medical community. If they would only shut up and listen... but they won't. Oct 23rd began just like any of the days that had preceded it. A morning visit with Pops followed by 9 hours at the side hustle. On the way home I was picking up his medicine when I received a text that read "help me"... I had no idea how much energy Pops had been spending convincing me he was doing fine. 12 days later he was done fighting. As much as I deeply miss having him in my world... I also know I am incredibly blessed. Blessed to have had his wisdom... his love... his guidance... and blessed to have 12 days to say all those things I needed to say... before saying good bye. No one will ever replace him. If you knew him... count yourself blessed. I'm not sure if writing this has made me feel better or not... but if nothing else, it has reminded me of how blessed I am. Still surrounded by some amazing men looking out for me in his absence.
So… I have a slight obsession cranberries. I’m not sure when the obsession began – but every year I get super excited when cranberry season comes around and I see them in the store… Most years, with the help of my brother, we wipe out several of the local grocery stores of their cranberry supply. Apologies to anyone local who can’t figure out why they have such trouble finding them. :-D But – in fairness, I do use the cranberries to make some amazing products that you can buy from us! |
We all love our pets. I have this crazy old man named Otis. He’s the top cat in my house and because he’s old – he has a ton of health issues. No one beats Dr. Ashely at Main Street Animal Clinic. Otis is certain she cares more for him than I do! Stinker that he is… Do your pets a favor and make this your go to place for your four-legged family members. |
I’m starting to realize something about myself… I like old things. I moved back to Illinois because of old people (Mom & Dad). I bought a house that is over 150 years old. I have an old cat… AND – I drive and older car. I love my car. His name is Andrew. Lol! But… that also means I need a good mechanic. My mechanic? Bert’s Service Station. Not once have I ever felt like I was just a number to them. I like going where I feel appreciated. |
In addition to growing things – I have the best product line under my brand Addie’s Pepper Patch. My salsas are better than anything you will find at the grocery store. My jellies are amazing! And so diverse in flavor combinations. And don’t get me started on my BBQ sauces and seasonings! While you are used to seeing me at the Farmer’s Markets in Central Illinois in the summer time, I take orders for my products year-round. My product list is on the website and available for delivery. With Christmas right around the corner, I am happy to make specialized gift baskets of whatever you need for that special person. I also have cakes, cookies and candies. |