So… I’m nearing the six month mark of having made the decision to leave corporate life and farm. Needless to say, it’s been a very humbling experience. Just when I think “I’ve got this”, I realize… well, maybe not. Haha. So… just taking some time to share some lessons I’ve learned along the way, in the order in which I learned them. Feel free to laugh. I do… it’s what keep me sane and going.
As noted on the blog page, I’m Angella. Youngest and only daughter in the family. A long, long time ago all I could think of was getting off the farm. Within months of graduating high school, I did just that. I have worked in the corporate world and spent a more significant amount of time working for a well-known non-profit. As the years passed, I started longing for a life that revolved around that farm the younger me couldn’t wait to get as far away from as possible. Towards the tail end of 2016 I returned to Menard County, bought a house that was older than dirt and made the decision I was going to farm. Six months in, I started doubting the decision and returned to corporate life… which left me miserable. So… in January of this year I made the leap of faith. I have spent the past five months cultivating seeds into full grown plants, tilling, weeding, watering and praying… A lot! Praying the weather is kind – which it hasn’t been this year. The storm yesterday made a mess of my field and destroyed the storage shed. Praying my finances hold out until the produce is available for sale. But mostly praying that I’m not taking on this new chapter in my life too late.